Message From The President of CLINKS Corporation


Message From The President

Message from the President

Many things can be said about the Lehman Shock, but it is certain that the company has changed in the ftermath.
In the past, the IT engineering industry was always short on manpower.
I’d thought it an inevitable part of business since I changed jobs in 1995.
However, the environment changed rapidly after the Lehman shock.
The drastic decrease in new projects, the accompanying escalation among competition, and the decline in order prices were all changes directly related to the deterioration of management.
In a sense, the way many SIers, including us, have been subsidized and sub-contracted in the structure of the industry so far is a thing of the past.

In order to survive in that environment, we first had to change ourselves.
As an SE, as a programmer, as an engineer, what do we offer as a service in the first place?

If you work only in the industry, you will be less conscious of the issues right under your nose.
Until now, it has been common sense to pay for man-hours,
and I have to admit that I wasn’t wholly aware of the consequences.

The first thing is to return to thefundamentals.

What do we engineers work for in the first place?

Simply speaking, there are two main purposes.

One is to help customers increase sales The other is to help customers reduce costs

I think this is the answer to our question about an engineer’s purpose.

After all, thorough customer orientation is everything.
Furthermore, IT technology and skills are the primary means to achieve the above two goals.

I think recognizing such certain facts and continuing to provide services and solutions that are unique to CLINKS, and that only CLINKS can provide, is what an ideal system integrator looks like in the coming era.

With our employees’ ever-increasing resolve, skills, and communications, we aim to deepen our awareness of CLINKS’s identity and maximize our customers’ experience.

We are committed to becoming THE indispensable force for our customers and employees.

We look forward to your continued support and patronage.

CLINKS Corporation Representative Director Kosuke Kawahara